Covington native, Kareem Simpson, will kick off his campaign for seat on the Covington Ind. School Board at 2:30 p.m. Friday at Left Bank Coffeehouse in Covington on July 22.

It will be an outdoor event and there will be water and light refreshments.
“I believe that our school board must strive for excellence while being responsive and receptive to parents, staff, students and the community at large, encouraging an open dialog,” Simpson said.
It will be an outdoor event and there will be water and light refreshments.
“The board must take input from all groups and weigh all the facts before making a decision. A Board member is a trustee of the community that elects him or her. That Trustee must be accessible and willing to collaborate with all members of the community; that includes all District staff. Anyone that comes before the board has the right to be heard & not just to speak.”
"The formal kickoff will set the stage for the campaign to come. I will lay out the major crises we face and a vision of a school board which works to lead education efforts for all of our students and their families," Simpson said.
After the official campaign kickoff, the event will move to a meet-and-great happy hour at The Globe in Covington.
Campaign Kickoff Event
Friday, July 22
2:30 p.m. at Left Bank Coffeehouse, 701 Greenup St., Covington, KY 41011